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LGBTI News Turkey - 13 April 2014 Source: Damla Yur, “Eşcinsellere Ayrı Cezaevi Yolda” (“Towards Homosexual-Only Prisons”), Milliyet, 13 April 2014, http://gundem.milliyet.com.tr/escinsellere-ayri-cezaevi-yolda/gundem/detay/1866198/default.htm Minister of Justice Bekir Bozdağ declared that there is an initiation to establish a special prison to hold prisoners and detainees with alternative sexual orientations. The prison plan received negative reactions for the reason that it…

Report shows hard prison conditions for LGBTs, people with disabilities

Hürriyet Daily News – November 11, 2013 A recent report has shown that prison conditions in Turkey are poor for LGBT individuals, people with disabilities and the elderly.  The Civil Society in the Penal System Foundation (CİSST) compiled its report titled “Project of Inmates with Special Needs,” after one year of research in three prisons,…